The Blurb That Got Away

There was an endorsement that didn’t make it to my new book Babalawo: Santería’s High Priests or the publisher’s website (at least not yet). Unfortunately, it’s the one I’m most proud of:
“He is an excellent babalawo, my best godchild and wherever I go I use him as an example. An American who is as much a babalawo as us (in Cuba). As I always say, he is my most advanced godchild. It is always invigorating to share my little grains (of knowledge) with a godchild that I hold in such esteem and respect as a human being and as a babalawo.” – Miguelito Perez Alvarez (Ogbe Dandy), elder babalawo and Frank Baba Eyiogbe’s Padrino in La Havana, Cuba
The blurb that DID make it, was shortened a lot. I understand that even though it was great, the publisher has to make the tough decisions. But here’s Stephan Palmié’s complete blurb:
A wonderful and much needed addition to the literature on Afro-Cuban religion. Engagingly written, scholarly while remaining accessible, reflexive and at times even funny, it presents an up to date exposition of both the history and contemporary philosophy of one of the world’s most complex systems of divination, from the point of view of a priestly scholar of his own religion deeply rooted in the Cuban tradition of Ifa. While it ought to be required reading for both scholars and priests of Afro-Cuban religious formations, it also serves as an even-handed and easily readable guide for “the perplexed”, and those members of the general public drawn towards forms of spirituality that, by now, have become part and parcel of the American religious landscape, and are experiencing rapid globalization.” – Stephan Palmié, Chair of the Department of Anthropology and Social Sciences at the University of Chicago and author of The Cooking of History: How Not to Study Afro-Cuban Religion.

I find it hilarious that he’s just about the ONLY ethnologist that isn’t initiated and he “gets” us more than pretty much anyone. By the way, his book The Cooking of History is great. In fact, I am indebted to that book (and to Dr. Palmié) for making me come to the realization that however I spelled the terms in the book would be a political act, whether I liked it or not. And so his book changed the way I wrote my book. Not bad for an aleyo. Hahaha.

Appearances by Frank Baba Eyiogbe in Northern California

Hi all! For those of you living on the left coast, I will be giving two presentations in Northern California on February 15th, 2015.
First will be a presentation called Odduns: The Core of Afro-Cuban Ifá at PantheaCon in San Jose at 1:30 PM. Focusing on the underlying concepts that make Afro-Cuban Ifa work, using tools such as the of Table of Ifa and the ecuele. Ifa is based on a binary system much like the ones and zeros that make up computer code. Evidence now reveals that underneath our reality there is a breathtaking world made up entirely of the ones and zeros forming the underlying fabric of the universe! A sample reading will also be performed. PantheaCon will be held at the Doubletree Inn, 2050 Gateway Place, San Jose CA. Go to for room location, cost of entry to the convention, etc.

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The second presentation is called Hacking the Universe and will be at the East West Bookstore in Mountain View from 4:30-6:00PM. 324 Castro St. Mountain View, CA 94041 (650) 988-9800.
Here’s the blurb from their magazine:
Thousands of years ago, ancient babalawos (fathers of the secrets) discovered an enormous secret: the fabric of the universe is made up entirely of ones and zeros like an immense computer program, and wisdom, knowledge and thought are the forces that move the world. Join Frank Baba Eyiogbe, babalawo of eighteen years and author of Babalawo: Santeria’s
High Priests, in exploring how babalawos have been directly accessing and manipulating this vast program called the universe since time immemorial, by hacking the universe itself.
This presentation is free, but they strongly recommend calling to reserve a seat.

New from LLewellyn! Pre-order Babalawo, Santeria’s High Priests by Frank Baba Eyiogbe from Llewellyn Worldwide